How to Open a Bar: Everything You Should Know

Opening a bar can be easier in some ways than opening a restaurant, but only if you have a smart plan. Here’s what you need to know on how to open a bar. Got a great idea for a neighborhood watering hole where people stop in after work to meet friends and...

10 Common Mistakes Bar Owners Make

Even experienced bar owners don’t always get it right. Here are some common design and equipment mistakes to avoid.  1. Poor space planning. This part of your bar project isn’t easy—but it is crucial to get it right. The proper balance of space between the front and...

Best Practices for Running a Bar

Operating a successful bar isn’t all fun and games; implementing this advice, though, can make the hard work pay off.   While we’d all like to run the bar on the television show “Cheers,” a convivial place where everyone knows your name, owning a bar and running it...
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